Saturday, July 14, 2012

Winn - (not even close to ready)

You know, they say demons were all angels once"
 like her
like me
The church is the demon really.
It created them with their stolen cross, their crescent moon, their six point star, their bent x, and even their hammer and sickle.
She left
  --do not read me aloud--
I’m now left to wait                               
--do not leave me around--                                 
after her orgasm so horrible.
Now all                                             
It all to disappear forever, 
but it can’t
unless I do.
I hold it all inside, all that knowledge.
The thoughts keep it alive.
All my hymns and prayers said 
to nothing and no one.
she still cums
so do I
Lilith birthed Adam one hundred sons a day
while god watched that pornography
but bleach kills everything.
Still, yet another woman’s sex toy.
Yoko Kanno sings songs in heaven.
I sing songs in places of the living.
There is no demon
only fear

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