Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Robert: Here goes...

I look towards Polaris
Contemplating the divine
Vega Altair and Arcturus
Round out my June night sky

I'd learned the invocation
From the ancient key
To master the clandestine
And steer my destiny

The demon taught me his secrets
Things I asked to know
Things that now are my burden
Have been branded into my soul

His voice in roars and bellows
Sent shudders down my spine
Every question answered
Helped deconstruct my mind

And he asked his own questions
Guiding me to his own ends
Made of me his servant
And willfully I did depend

I saw forgotten memories
I saw the end of days
I saw the fabric of life
Shape the primordial clay

I learned the nature of time
As he pulled it's strands apart
I glimpsed the face of god
Reflected in my heart

Though now my heart is black
And harbors only death
The ghost that dwelled within me
Has withered. Or has left

My gaze still affixed to the polestar
Letting come what may
Will my Demon's revelations
Be worth the price I payed?

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