Saturday, August 18, 2012

Joe interview with Kasey

I'm going to talk about, the one who is with me.
Ok. Are we filming? You're going to talk about the presence that is with you?
Yeah, for me it's a slow process of meeting this being for me because I didn't have the symbols ... uh ... communication through symbolic form to know what was surrounding me as a kid.
Around the ages of fifteen or so something that I didn't know at the time became attracted to me, in the sense of ethereal beings that are neither (neether) alive nor dead but are drawn to different people for different reasons, basically as if we were a metal, as if we had magnetism through certain experiences we draw in a certain energy, a life force,
Long term, short, it wasn't until I was about twenty-six years old and had cut off a few square inches of my penis and got institutionalized for three months where I was sitting in a loony bin smoking cigarettes with a bunch of people I didn't like that I actually had a vision of this thing that had been with my since I was fifteen. So a period of decade or so I had only had contact with it through nightmares and sort of a just a naive unknowing towards it. And during my stay this, in retrospect, seems like a vacation but while I was there it was very difficult to feel alright. And it came up to me in a sort of a mirage of a giant iris that was green and blue, came right up with me, and that was the introduction. It was like an iris and it felt like it had been here for awhile. And it wasn't until about a year and half later of retrospect thought through symbolic imagery (of how I've processed my past) did I actually start to enjoy the fact that I wasn't alone. And that I had been chosen by this particular thing, that I ended up naming Serendipity. It's a hermaphrodite being that has no release so it vicariously uses me for (...) love and perhaps celibacy. For it's own mourning. It would not let me, my whole life I've had very few relationships with a wonderful woman where it wasn't easily off. Just the connection wasn't there and so it's kind of kept me sheltered because it felt a similarity from my own experience perhaps it was from molestation by my neighbor at an early age and not having a girl-next-door or a .. where now it's nice to have the acceptance of something that is protective of me. And sees something in someone I love as something for itself too. And that is has accepted it and enjoys.
The main thing that I didn't know it was doing was (....) music it would draw me towards are just, the things has audio (referring to camera)...
Do you feel like this being is more like a hitchhiker riding around with you or is it something that remotely taps into you from somewhere else?
It has a genuine affinity towards my uniqueness. And it doesn't leave. It doesn't go away. And the most mischievous, I'm acting out, mostly speaking of my past, if there's something I don't feel that I'm getting it seems to know ahead of time, what's good for me. So it contemplates me. And it's looking out for my best interest. Serendipity.
Do you have any sense of any physical incarnations of Serendipity?
It will never, this one might stick with me for all my incarnations. I'm assuming it can't incarnate. It is what it is.
Any feelings associated with it? Key points that come to you?
Softly mischievous, softly mischievous. It's a lover. It's able to love. And it has no, it's alone and it loves. And it's alone other than me and who I love.

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