Monday, August 6, 2012

Davey - 12 Questions and Paint


1. What are demons? Demons are whatever you want them to be. They can be fear inducing, they can be inspirational, they can be a guiding force or a destructive one. 

2. Do you love or hate demons? I don't love or hate demons. Loving them would be wasteful more often than not and hating them gives them too much validity.

3. What do demons look like? Demons look like whatever your imagination can conjure up. I do believe in possession though, so if they took on a human form, I suspect they would look just like you or I.

4. What realm do demons live in? I don't know.

5. Do all demons have horns? No, not all demons have horns. I suspect that the more powerful ones do though. In the bible, horns represented strength, power, wisdom, etc. Most animals that are endowed with horns use them as their chief means of defense or attack. I once drank mead out of a horn once during a ceremony.

6.What temperature is a demon? I don't know.

7. Do demons get fever/sick? Food poisoning? Do demons defecate? I'm sure demons could get sick. Anything that uses power for ill will usually makes themselves sick. It's best to use one's energy for creative purposes rather than destructive ones, although the line is thin between them.

8. What do demons use their powers for?
Coercion, Trickery...

9. What is the purpose of a demon?
To instigate, to destroy, to confuse, etc.
I don't think they really DO much themselves, I think they tend to convince others to do things.

10. What kinds of demons do you see in society?
Aside from the obvious answer of politicians, preachers, etc. I think demons find their way into everyday people that are vulnerable. They fill a gap for someone and take on many forms. Alcoholism, Pornography, Facebook...

11. How do you know if a person is possessed by a demon?
I don't know if there is a tell-tale sign, I usually just rely on my gut. I can tell if someone is haunted or possessed or whatever by just feeling it. You can kinda just tell I think. It's usually defined by a sense of something lacking. A void in the person.

12. What is a demons favorite color?
I don't know... perhaps chartreuse.

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